Tim Worstall

Tim Worstall (born 27 March 1963, Torquay) is an English writer and blogger, who writes about a variety of topics, but particularly about economics. In his day job, he works as a consultant and dealer in scandium and other exotic metals.[1] He occasionally and humorously refers to himself in his blog and articles as a member of the "international scandium oligopoly."

Worstall has written a blog since April 2004.[2] The blog received approximately one million visits in the year to August 2006. It had a worldwide readership in that period, though most of the visits came from the United States and Europe.[3]

Two of Worstall's articles about the 7 July 2005 London bombings have been archived by the UK Web Archiving Consortium.[4]

Worstall has written regularly for the online magazine TCS Daily since May 2004.[5] In a 23 June 2005 article, he coined Worstall's Law of Organizations: "All and any organizations will in the end be run by those who stay awake in committee." [6]

In November 2005, Worstall compiled the book 2005 Blogged: Dispatches from the Blogosphere, an anthology of blogging.

Since September 2006, Worstall has been a contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer's "Editorials & Commentary" page[7]

Worstall was the press officer for UK Independence Party in the year running up to the 2009 euro elections.

In 2010, Worstall wrote the book Chasing Rainbows: Economic Myths, Environmental Facts, which examines what we should be doing to avoid, curtail or adapt to global warming.

He lives in Portugal with his wife.



  1. ^ "The Low Hanging Fruit Company ( BVI ) Limited". http://timworstall.typepad.com/lhfc/. Retrieved 2006-09-03. 
  2. ^ Worstall, Tim (2006-06-01). "Why I pull columns apart". Press Gazette. http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=1&storycode=34323. 
  3. ^ "ClustrMaps+ World Map for http://timworstall.typepad.com". ClustrMaps. http://clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url=http://timworstall.typepad.com. Retrieved 2006-08-19. 
  4. ^ "Tim Worstall". UK Web Archiving Consortium. http://www.webarchive.org.uk/tep/12274.html. Retrieved 2006-08-19. 
  5. ^ "Tim Worstall". TCS Daily. http://www.tcsdaily.com/Authors.aspx?id=760. Retrieved 2006-08-19. 
  6. ^ Worstall, Tim (2005-06-23). "'Any organization will, in the end, be run by those who stay awake in committee'". TCS Daily. http://www.tcsdaily.com/article.aspx?id=062405D. 
  7. ^ Worstall, Tim (2006-09-03). "Looking at world through shape of a 'J'". The Philadelphia Inquirer. http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/15426647.htm. 

Further reading